one of the hardest parts about transitioning to an acne-safe lifestyle can be kicking the liquid makeup habit. liquid foundation is pretty fool-proof, covers easily, layers easily, and can be used with concealer to fake a perfect complexion. however, as we all know too well, liquid foundation is one of the biggest cloggy culprits.
enter (non-cloggy) mineral makeup. mineral makeup is comprised of a combination of skin-friendly minerals that benefit the skin while covering any imperfections. it can be a perfect solution to the great makeup conundrum: while i'm waiting for my skin to get clear, how can i fake that it already is without worsening the condition of my skin? however, for some skins, mineral makeup doesn't hold up on its own and can end up wearing off throughout the day, not covering well, or just looking kind of weird.
often those woes can be alleviated with proper application -- making sure you don't put on one heavy layer, but rather layer the minerals until the level of coverage you need is reached, and only using heavy coverage on imperfections. (although we don't recommend using bareminerals foundation because it's often cloggy, they do have a great how-to video on applying mineral makeup that you should
check out.)
if you're applying your makeup correctly and still having a hard time getting a natural, long-lasting look with good coverage, maybe what you need is a
primer. most makeup artists swear by using primers to get even coverage that lasts all day, and just because you're using mineral makeup doesn't mean you can't benefit from primers' pore-perfecting properties.
we'd love it if some sS'ers would take these primers for a test drive and let us know what you think! they all appear to be acne-safe (until we've tested them for 6 months we can't guarantee it, but in general when the ingredients list checks out more likely than not you're going to be good to go) and are all available at your friendly neighborhood sephora. so if you're dealing with a mineral makeup meltdown why not pick one of these up?
sSer abigail recommends bodyography's foundation primer, which also looks acne-safe and can be found on
anyone else have any experience with these or other primers? if so, please share! we'd love to start carrying a great, acne-safe primer at sS, and always appreciate any feedback.