Inspiring (and real) case studies
Results always speak for themselves, but we think it’s important to show before and after pictures not just for proof that our methods work, but to emphasize that different skin types require different needs.
Clearing acne is not a one-size-fits-all treatment and once you work with us, you’ll find out exactly what that means for you.
Learn directly from them how working with us changed their life.

Clean Eating Workaholic
Julie, she/her, 39, co-founder of Methodology.
Inflamed acne, hyperpigmentation and picking.
This client had acne as a teen (spirnolactone, bcp + antiobiotics helped for a bit). She ate healthy but still broke out thanks to working like a maniac, drinking coffee (dehydrating), and using comedogenic products. On top of all that, she picked (prolonging the clearing process) and had hyperpigmentation to deal with.
She started at 65% clear, became 85% clear in 4 months, and 90%+ clear with pigmentation completely gone in 7 months.
Products used:
In their words..
"I am living proof that acne is curable!!! Without antibiotics, the pill, spironolactone, or any other prescription drugs. Thanks again for EVERYTHING!!! You've changed my life!!!!"

Inspired DIY'er
Irma, she/her, who reached to us via email to share her pictures.
Inflamed acne all over her face and neck.
They generously wrote to us their experience with our products, and used our online resources to clear herself up - no clinic treatments needed!
Products used:
In their words . . .
I have wanted to write you because I have felt the need to say "Thank you for existing". <I'm shy> I am a Hispanic woman who have been living in California for almost 6 years, have always had acne, but for some reasons it has been worst for some years. However one day I decided to go to a naturopath doctor who works in San Francisco helped me a lot even though it wasn't affordable at all for me, but I invested for myself in order to get back my health. In my last visit a sample bag for SkinSalvation was given that happened 2 years ago since then I have bought them. I recognize that SkinSalvation's products help me even thought I don't have one hundred percent of health style (I have struggled with back acne too). Some images are attached, and some of them were taken some years ago how my face was. Finally how my face is now this day and the SkinSalvation's products are used by me. Thank you so much for being there!

Hair Product + Travel Enthusiast
Melisser, they/them, 28, vegan activist, chef & drag performing artist.
Noninflamed acne, with some inflammation along the jawline.
This client was chronically dehydrated from multiple plane rides and broken out from their most favorite cloggy hair products. They cleared up significantly after ditching the hair products, and after the "after" photo was taken, completely cleared up after cutting soy from their diet.
Starting at 65% clear, 2 months to get the results shown, and got to 95% clear once they finally cut out soy from their vegan diet.
Products used:
In their words:
My goal was to not feel like I needed to hide under makeup because of my acne, and I finally got there!

Bridal Prep: Cloggy Face & Hair Products
Suprinya, she/her, 32.
Inflamed acne, very deep non-inflamed acne and hyperpigmentation.
Cloggy face and hair products, birth control and diet contributed to her acne. The breakouts were really affecting her quality of life, so she was motivated and determined to do anything to clear up.
She prepped her skin by using our products for a month before coming in for treatments, and went from 50% to 85% clear in 4 weeks.
Product used:
In their words . . .
I can't believe that I'm gonna have a chance to dress up and going out with confident again. No more hiding my skin with foundation. Now I can lift my face up and have eyes contact with everyone. I'm so confident and so much happy. For anyone who wants to say good bye to acne, come to this place !! I'm 100% sure that they can help you. No worry about the money. It's worth every penny !!!

Soy and Coffee-Based Vegan
Kate, she/her, 27, engineering manager.
Inflamed acne on neck and jawline.
Cloggy products, antibiotics, dairy, soy and coffee is what did her in. Cutting out all those offenders cleared her up beautifully. She was able to successfully reintroduce coffee, but soy still breaks her out.
2 months to clear, plus 3 months for pigmentation to naturally fade away.
Products used
In their words:
I kid you not: you will believe in miracles after seeing the gals at sS. They did what no pricey derm or facialist in SF and NY could do. Sure, they had me replace my products (to cheaper ones!) and re-up my diet (to a healthier one!), but I am not exaggerating when I say that these women can address any, and I mean, ANY skin problem. They’re also kind, hilarious, and so thorough that you’ll be asking what the catch is.

Thyroid and Hormone Imbalanced
Monica, she/her, 28, human resources manager.
Non-inflamed acne all over, with extremely inflamed acne on cheeks and jawline.
This Southeast Asian client had been going through hormone therapy and eating an inflammatory diet. The inflammation from her acne left pigmentation marks, which eventually naturally faded away.
To get clear, she got her hormone levels rebalanced by working with an acupuncturist and cut down on her sugar intake.
6 months to clear, and 6 months for pigmentation to naturally fade.
Products used:
In their words:
Thanks for all the work you do. My skin is much clearer because of skinSALVATION and that means a lot.

Coffee Fueled & Stressed Out Working Student
Amanda, she/her, 25, student (and now pharmacist)
Inflamed and non-inflamed acne all over the face, plus pigmentation left behind.
This Pacific Islander client had acne since her teens before coming to skinSALVATION, and was under a lot of stress as a grad student working towards medicine.
Stress, 4 cups of coffee a day, soy in her diet and working her restaurant job until 2am were huge triggers for her acne, which was most concentrated on the lower part of her face.
She cleared up in 4 months, and the pigmentation left behind naturally lifted, in just a few more months after that.
Products used:
In their words:
I haven’t been in for a treatment since I moved further from the city but I continue to use what I learn from you guys & reorder your amazing SS products :) My skin relies on you!! Thank you!!!

Graveyard Shift Nurse
Kendra, she/her, 26, NICU nurse.
Non-inflamed acne, with stubborn inflammation throughout.
Even after having taken Accutane 4 times in her life, she still battled chronic, inflamed acne. Her inflammation and purging took several months to get under control, but turning her desperation into diligence and dedication, was able to get to a place of 90% clarity. Now, years later as a mother, she maintains her clear complexion without any prescription medications.
Note: Her regular overnight nursing shifts, likely caused the aggressive + stubborn inflamed acne, contributing to her slower clearing process.
Products used:
In her words . . .
I had suffered from hellacious, painful acne for nearly 15 years when I was introduced to Kim. I had tried everything from acupuncture to Accutane with no avail from the embarrassment of my red, inflamed face. My experience with Kim has changed not only my skin, but my life. I would highly recommend skinSALVATION to anyone who is committed to changing their life and getting radiant skin!

Shrimp Loving Nurse
Maribel, she/hers, 26, nurse.
Iodide rash and acne, with hyperpigmentation.
This extremely sensitive-skinned client was working long hours as a nurse and not prioritizing sleep or stress management. Her main source of protein also happened to be iodide-rich shrimp.
Ditching the shrimp cleared her up, and notices breakouts when she tries to reintroduce it. She also was able to isolate recurring inflamed acne on the lower half of her face to the masks she wears while working her nursing shifts.
Limiting iodides, managing stress and taking anti-inflammatory supplements when she has to wear a mask at work has kept her clear for over 10 years.
Products used:
In their words:
thank you thank you! i had horrible cystic acne for a long time and saw a naturopath who worked with my on healing from the inside, yet my acne still persisted. as a last effort she recommended me to you and it worked! it’s been years now and i still use all your products and have my mom ship them to me in europe! anytime i introduce a specialty skin product into my routine i consult your website for ingredients. it’s been a game changer- so thank you!

Sweet + Dairy Die Hard
Raul, he/him/his, 23, administrative professional.
Severe cystic acne all over, concentrated on the forehead and temples.
When this 24-year-old Latinx client came in to see us for the first time, his forehead was 10% clear and the lower half of his face was 40% clear. He diligently cut soda, candy, dairy + processed foods from his diet and replaced them with high-quality protein + veggies.
Aggressive inflammation control was necessary in order to help control his genetic propensity for swelling: he iced for several sessions a day, used benzoyl peroxide topically, avoided nightshades and other inflammatory foods, and took Zyflamend supplement to regain control of his skin.
Products used:
Time to clarity:
5 months. A single IPL treatment cleared up the pigmentation left behind in 2 months' time.

Classic Hormonal Acne
Lee, she/her, 24, esthetician.
Hormonal, inflamed pustules concentrated on the chin.
This client battled with acne for her entire teen and young adult life before coming to skinSALVATION. Her diet consisted of dairy and multiple cups of coffee per day to compensate for her lack of sleep. Using cloggy products from beauty school also contributed to her breakouts.
Regular extractions and peels were needed to clear deeply embedded acne seeds from scar tissue. Prioritizing sleep, stress management and an acne-safe diet, along with a strong skincare regimen, has maintained her clear skin.
Products used:
In their words . . .
Before finding skinSALVATION I thought that having acne was just something that I had to deal with for the rest of my life. Working on managing my triggers like stress and sleep has not only improved my skin but also my body + mind. I can honestly say that I am now a happier + healthier person!

Acne? Rosacea? Both!
Megan, they/them, mid 20's, retail manager.
Pustular acne rosacea.
They had suffered from acne and severe redness for years, before coming to skinSALVATION for treatment. Their acne rosacea responded best to a combination of benzoyl peroxide and salicylic acid at home, and a series of in-clinic peels.
They found that foods containing carageenan induced acne around the mouth, while red wine and hot/cold water flared the rosacea. Using the Benzoyl Peroxide gel as a mask at night has kept both the rosacea and acne at bay.
They've since moved out of state but has been able to maintain clarity for several years (after 2 kids!), by utilizing the lifestyle tips they learned with us, along with using their skinSALVATION products regularly.
Products used:
In their words . . .
I just wanted to say thank you for all of your help. Because of you, my wedding day was free of any worries about my skin. I felt beautiful and happy and I couldn't have done it without you! Keep up the good work!!!

Genetic & Severely Painful Cystic Acne
Alice, she/her, 27, construction manager.
Over-exfoliated & Dehydrated cystic acne.
At a starting point of 55% clarity, she came to us highly stressed and broken out from cloggy face products from another acne specialist, and terribly over-exfoliated from Retin-A and Spirnolactone.
Her skin was so tight and dry that she told us it hurt to eat a banana. We had to get her skin to a strong & healthy baseline before slowly introducing active products to exfoliate the deep impaction from her skin, and get her inflammation under control.
We were able to smooth out the textural scarring with several in-clinic Pro-Peels, and she now maintains her clarity with regular stress management and use of her skincare product regimen.
Products used:
In their words . . .
I am constantly amazed at the progress I'm seeing. Thank you!

Diet & Product Acne
Melanie, she/her, mid-30's, human resources manager.
Non-inflamed acne and pigmentation.
Dairy, soy milk, coffee and too much peanut butter is what initially broke her out. She cleared up but ran out of product, and broke out again. Getting back on her skinSALVATION regimen got her clear, even after having 2 kids.
Products used:
Charcoal Cleanser mixed with Dry Scrub Powder
In their words . .
I was broken out, frustrated, and desperate to find a solution that would work for my type of skin problems. Kim quickly started me on the path to clear skin by suggesting that I make some lifestyle changes. Getting consistent treatments with the most thorough extractions I have ever experienced and using their products helped me obtain clear skin. Even when I went back to my old dietary habits and after having kids, they welcomed me back with open arms and cleared me up again. Thank you sS for everything- I’m an sS groupie for life!

Protein Powder Party
TB, he/him, 27, graphic designer & DJ.
Inflamed & candida-related acne.
Lots of late nights as a DJ, Vega protein powder, natural sugars and peanut butter within his otherwise healthy vegan diet and lifestyle are what broke him out. A modified candida cleanse helped strengthen his digestion, and he cleared up in 3 months.
After trying another another natural pea protein powder in Europe he broke out again, but with cystic acne, so now sticks with whole unprocessed foods and his skinSALVATION products.
Products used:
Time to clarity:
He went from 65% to 95% clear in 3.5 months.

High Stress & Digestive Woes
Marco, he/him, 25, carpenter.
Inflamed acne, dehydrated, sensitized skin and hyperpigmentation.
High emotional stress, gastritis and lots of takeout food were his triggers. His skin was also very dehydrated and sensitized from super strong OTC acne products, so rebalancing his moisture levels got his skin strong enough to tolerate much needed acne-fighting active products.
Choosing healthier takeout dishes, managing his stress and regular treatments cleared him up.
Products used:
Time to clarity:
He went from 65% to 90% clear in 2 months, and the pigmentation (as shown in the after photo) cleared 2 months after 1 IPL treatment.

Accutane Results . . . Without the Accutane
Ashley, she/her, 27.
Inflamed acne, with a severe digestive imbalance.
With a history of acne running in her family, Accutane and multiple rounds of antibiotics, she was no stranger to breakouts. However, extreme stress from life, work and school (both full-time), acne-causing dietary triggers (that were also hurting her stomach) and lifestyle choices (cloggy laundry detergent, picking her skin) took her complexion over the edge. She came to us with not only very sensitive, dehydrated and broken out skin, but a a severe digestive imbalance as well.
An active and acne-safe regimen, stress management lifestyle changes and help from her doctor to address the digestive disorder helped her more clearly see the connection between her diet, her digestion and her skin.. which ultimately cleared her up.
Products used:
In their words:
After clearing up with us, she accompanied a family member to the dermatologist, who "thought I had started Accutane - that's how much better it looks :)".

Coffee + RX Drugs = Candida
Morgan, she/her, 26.
Inflamed and Candida related acne.
RX antibiotics and birth control didn't clear her up; instead, they induced a Candida imbalance. Cloggy hair products, physical stress from marathon running and hormone imbalances from the birth control just made things worse.
Taking Candida and anti-inflammatory supplements, switching to an AIP diet and carefully strengthening her regimen as her skin could tolerate is what finally cleared her up.
Products used:
Time to clarity:
She went from 40% to 90% clear in 6 months.

3x Accutane Survivor
Sara, she/her, 29, Senior Digital Producer.
Accutane-resistant inflamed and non-inflamed acne.
Acne ran in her family, and despite 3 courses of Accutane, wasn't able to stay clear for long after each round, until she started working with us.
A mix of genetic propensity, cloggy products and whey protein shakes all contributed to her acne. Switching to acne-safe products and making lifestyle changes cleared her up in 3 months - saving her from another round of harsh Accutane.
Products Used:
In their words:
My skin hasn’t consistently looked this good since immediately after Accutane!