gratuity questions answered

over the years, many clients have asked for guidance when it comes to gratuity given the clinical nature of our work. hopefully, this post will shed some light on the subject.
in general, 20% of the service price is the industry standard for tipping estheticians but many clients tend to leave more or less based on their own comfort level. our estheticians rely on tips to make up about 25% of their yearly income in order to afford living in the bay area. we tip 20% for restaurants, hair stylist, massage therapist, why not your esthetician that changes your life by helping you clear up your skin?
your tips go a long way to support our therapists who would otherwise be making much more in a traditional day spa setting where they would be receiving 20+% tips on every service in addition to sales commissions on products and upgraded services. estheticians at sS do not receive any commission or percentage of product sales because this type of incentive encourages selling products that our clients may not need.
we appreciate your continued support!