image source: trich.org
if you consciously or unconsciously pop, squeeze, poke, scratch, peel, extract, pinch, or rub at your skin - this blog post is for you! at skinSALVATION, if you do any of the above to your skin, we consider you a "picker". i know, i know, it's not the most lovely of titles. i wasn't happy to learn i was a picker; i thought i was extracting my acne properly when i saw white stuff come out! but it comes down to this - it doesn't matter how exactly you're messing with your skin, if you are physically aggravating it with your hands or other tools, you are going to slow down the clearing process.
this is a big deal. being a picker will be an important factor in how fast we are able to clear up your skin; your journey to clear skin will be a slower, more frustrating one if you are unable to keep your hands off your face. sometimes, if the picking (or scratching, rubbing, etc) is bad enough, it will inhibit people from clearing up altogether.
unfortunately, it can be super difficult for people to keep their hands off, especially when they see a juicy white head that looks ready to extract! so, while i know how hard it is and have compassion for those struggling (especially since i have had trouble quitting the picking behavior myself), it is also my job to get clients to leave their skin alone, so don't hate me when i ask you "how is the picking is going?"
so, we have an array of suggestions, some may be helpful for you and others may not be, but as i tell clients everyday at sS - some effort is better than no effort! it is worth a shot, and any decrease in the physical aggravation to your skin will increase the rate at which you clear up.
as a side note, even the estheticians here at skinSALVATION refrain from extracting our own skin. there's so much that goes into a proper extraction - you need good light and a clear view of the pore opening so that you can ease the seed out with as little trauma to the skin as possible. you also need the right leverage to get the right angle to completely clear the seed out of the pore. too much pressure in the wrong spot can rupture the cell walls, which leads to bacteria spreading, new breakouts in pores nearby, and the textural scarring known as pock marks. after all - anyone can get a mirror and a pair of scissors to cut their own hair - but will it be as good a cut than if you let a professional do it for you?
1. i remind my clients all the time, some progress is better than no progress, and all progress is worth giving yourself credit for! taking (small) steps everyday to self-care / self-love adds up overtime. try to think through the process of what happened the last time you picked. you probably ended up with a big mark that took forever to heal, and scarred, right?? cultivating this gentle mindset towards yourself is a HUGE way of giving yourself self-love.
be open to professional help. if stopping picking altogether was as easy as reading a blog post and taking a few suggestions, we'd all be cured! as you know by now, unfortunately, it can be a complicated behavior to stop. there are cognitive behaviorial therapists that specialize in BFRB (body-focused repetitive behavior). kristin southwick is a great one that has helped many of our clients with excessive picking of the skin - she's no longer working within the bay area, but may be available for remote counseling (email us so we can send you her information).
trich.org is a great resource to find help and community!
ice your face, #1 recommendation we make to clients of all time. it will help decrease inflammation = make acne less pickable. we have most of our clients using these
ice pop makers. you can ice for up to 30 minutes, just remember to cleanse your face beforehand and keep the ice moving (to avoid frostbite) and don't apply too much pressure (this can lead to more inflammation). icing works well to treat existing inflamed acne as well as prevent it, and it helps to drive your active products further into the skin. win win win!
squeeze a stress ball! this can be helpful for those who unconsciously pick their skin, for example while on the computer or watching tv. these are the
isoflex stress balls we hand to our clients during our signature face treatments, to keep their hands busy :) koosh balls, play dough, anything your hands can fiddle with will work.
meditation can be helpful to reduce stress levels, and if stress is one of your "picking triggers" this would be a more preventative approach. it could also help right in the moment too though! we recommend clients use the
simple habit,
calm or
insight timer apps for guided meditations. youtube has super helpful videos too, and if you find that meditating is difficult because your mind starts going a mile a minute when you try to sit quietly (my experience), then body scan meditations are a great place to start! i like
this one because it's only four minutes. meditating is a practice of being aware, and noticing your mind wander off (and bringing it back to the meditation) is awareness in itself.
turn the lights down low. we suggest that you refrain from turning the bathroom light on when doing your regimen. instead, you can light candles (i find this makes it more of a self-care routine versus a self-critique session), set up a
himalayan salt lamp, or just simply leave the door open so the hallway light can get in. overall, the idea is to have more flattering lighting. one of our esties, kayla, never turns the big light on when doing her regimen and this has helped her immensely.
here are a few
gadgets that you can try out. this toy
soybean is a keychain so you could use on the go! this keychain is supposed to be like
bubble wrap. if you want to try something that literally looks like a pimple, you could try
this, called the pop it pal.
ind (and use) resources online. check out our
pinterest board on skin picking for more strategies to keep your hands off your face, as well as for ideas on how to live the acne-safe lifestyle to avoid the formation of acne in the first place!
free your mind with EFT! try using the emotional freedom technique (EFT). if you haven't heard of it, do not worry, i did some research and included my findings below. i based most of the information on what gary craig, the founder of eft, says on his
website and
youtube videos. i think it has potential to help people stop picking their skin - it seems a little woo-woo but is worth a shot!
according to gary craig, “the cause of all negative emotions is a disruption in the body’s energy system”. if that statement is true, based on that basic idea, energy disruptions are the reason for any emotional issue, whether it be actual emotions like grief or other issues that have emotional roots like stage fright. once you identify the energy disruption, you can use the tapping process to correct them. the eft tapping basic recipe is described in detail in this blog post so that you can simply read along and apply it to whatever personal issue you want to improve upon/release.
here's another explanation of this technique given by holistic
doctor mercola:
eft is a form of psychological acupressure, based on the same energy meridians used in traditional acupuncture to treat physical and emotional ailments for over 5,000 years, but without the invasiveness of needles. instead, simple tapping with the fingertips is used to input kinetic energy onto specific meridians on the head and chest while you think about your specific problem — whether it is a traumatic event, an addiction, pain, etc. — and voice positive affirmations.
this combination of tapping the energy meridians and voicing positive affirmation works to clear the "short-circuit" — the emotional block — from your body's bioenergy system, thus restoring your mind and body's balance, which is essential for optimal health and the healing of physical disease.
and yet another anecdote: after suffering from allergies for years, our founder + ceo finally found drug-free + long-term relief with advanced allergy clinic, whose work is very similar to EFT, as dr. mercola has described (except without the verbal affirmations). feel free to email kim@skinsalvationsf.com to find out more about her experience!
we are going to use the example problem of having the “urge to pick skin”. before reading on, if you want to watch an introductory video with some clips of people who have changed their lives using eft you can click
the points used are based on the pathways (meridians and vessels) that acupuncturists use. they are either on/near the end-points of the energy pathways or at points along these pathways that are close to the body’s surface. the theory is that the tapping stimulates the energy pathways thereby balancing the disruptions.
one important thing to keep in mind: language used always aims at negative because it’s the negative that creates energy disruptions (and the eft goal is to neutralize them).
also, if you’re a visual learner, it might be helpful to watch the
video i based the notes below on.
1st step: identify issue and make assessment on current intensity of problem, how bad on scale of 0-10.
- example phrase: urge to pick at skin, level of 8.
2nd step: setup. tap the karate chop (KC) point with two or more fingers (fleshy part of outside of hand) while saying setup phrase in the format of “even though i have this ____, i deeply and completely accept myself.”
- example phrase: even though i have this urge to pick my skin, i deeply and completely accept myself
3rd step: sequence. while tapping each point about five times, say a reminder phrase that includes a brief statement to remind our system what we’re working on. each point is marked on the diagram below.
- example phrase: “this urge to pick my skin”

1st point: top of head (TOH). tap with your finger tips while saying reminder phrase.
2nd point: beginning of eyebrow point (EB). tap with 2 finger tips while saying reminder phrase.
3rd point: side of eye on corner of orbital bone (SE). tap with 2 finger tips while saying reminder phrase.
4th point: under eye on orbital bone (UE). tap with 2 finger tips while saying reminder phrase.
5th point: under the nose (UN). tap with 2 finger tips while saying reminder phrase.
6th point: chin point midway between bottom of lip and chin (CH). tap with 2 fingers while saying reminder phrase.
7th point: collarbone (CB). take fist and thump in area somebody would tie their tye while saying reminder phrase.
8th point: under armpit/on rib cage (UA). take finger and put right on hollow part of armpit, then go down straight 4 inches. tap with 4 fingers while saying reminder phrase.
4th step: reassess issue on scale of 0-10.
- example: urge to pick at skin, level of 4.
5th step: repeat until goes down to zero or plateaus. if it plateaus, then according to gary, you need to get to the root of the issue more. you can read more about how to do that
if you use any of the suggestions mentioned in this post, let us know about your results so that we can better help other people! email
emily@skinsalvationsf.com or