alongside dairy and soy, studies have shown
time and
again that foods with high-glycemic indexes are some of the biggest acne aggravators. not only are high glycemic foods inflammatory, their sugars feed the candida yeast that so commonly is found in excess in acne sufferers. keeping your sugar intake low will also help regulate energy levels, lowering the stress on your body.
while you may be diligent about avoiding wonder bread and skittles, what you may not realize is that some of your favorite fruits are loaded with sugar. while we would never recommend cutting out fruit entirely - fruits are full of vitamins, minerals, and fiber - being cognizant of how much sugar you're actually eating when you reach for, say, a banana is an important part of living an acne-safe lifestyle.
choosing lower sugar fruits is an easy way to start lowering the glycemic load of your diet. choose a handful of blueberries instead of grapes and you've saved yourself over 10 grams of sugar. also, whenever possible, choose fresh fruit over dried fruit. fresh mango is, in itself, a pretty high-sugar fruit with 14.8 grams of sugar per 100 grams, but dried mango has 73 grams - nearly 5 times as much as fresh mango, and about the same amount as skittles.

for more detailed information on the types of sugar in different fruits, click the chart above!
generally speaking, try and stick to fruit with less than 10 grams of sugar per 100 grams, and do your best to avoid dried fruits. keep in mind, though, as with everything, moderation is key. while it's probably not a good idea to have a bowl of fruit for breakfast every morning, there are a lot worse things you could have for an afternoon snack than an apple. just do your best to keep your sugar intake (and by extension your glycemic load) as low as possible and your skin will thank you.