ICYDK, i was interviewed last year, to be a part of an article featured in SELF magazine's march 2016 issue called "the clear skin diet". to be honest, i wasn't quite sure what the work was going to lead to (if anything at all), so i didn't make a big fuss out of it. but now that we are officially published, we can now fuss a big fuss about it!

alexandra engler, the journalist who wrote the piece, was on a quest to find some ways to clear up by way of her diet. through several hours of over the phone and in-person discussion (when i went to NY last fall? yes, this is what that trip was for), i was able to share with her the tenets of sS living. as all you sS'ers know, diet alone is just one component of the acne-safe lifestyle we strive to teach our clients. there are so many factors involved: internal, systemic and topical..
at the end of the day, only just a couple of kim's soundbites made it through to the actual printed article. BUT, it's still pretty cool to see our name in national magazine print. :)

please feel free to go to your local newsstands and get a copy of this issue, or keep scrolling to see the scanned copy of the article, and share with your friends and loved ones who may benefit from some acne-safe lifestyle knowledge!