what's a pro peel and should i get one?
ABOUT THE PEEL the PROGRESSIVE PRO PEEL was originally developed by our acne researcher and guru, Dr. James Fulton. he...
Over 10 years in the making, everything esthetician and founder Kimberly Yap Tan learned and teaches clients about keeping skin its' clearest is in this book.
what's a pro peel and should i get one?
ABOUT THE PEEL the PROGRESSIVE PRO PEEL was originally developed by our acne researcher and guru, Dr. James Fulton. he...
mask-ne part 3 : 9 tips to alleviate mask zits
9 BEST STRATEGIES FOR ALLEVIATING MASK-NE ok so now that the opinionated fashion show is over (mask-ne post #2), here's...
mask-ne part 2: masks i've tried and my faves
ok so maskne is still a thing and since my last really long post about it, i've done some research...
BLACK LIVES MATTER : thoughts + action items in solidarity
founders of the black lives matter movement: alicia garza, opal tometi, and patrisse cullors-brignac. add to your reading list: "when...
mask-ne and shelter in place 101
hey y'all, kim here currently in tokyo holed up in my tiny airbnb apartment safely sheltering in place. i hope...
sS + mindbodygreen collaboration
though it's been really quiet over here on a social media front, i've been busy with some really big projects...