no-poo : an acne safe*ish way to go (but still a work in progress)
in light of many things: the california drought, trying to cut down on all the chemicals we use on the...
Over 10 years in the making, everything esthetician and founder Kimberly Yap Tan learned and teaches clients about keeping skin its' clearest is in this book.
no-poo : an acne safe*ish way to go (but still a work in progress)
in light of many things: the california drought, trying to cut down on all the chemicals we use on the...
curly hair can be a blessing and a curse. while those with straight locks seem to be envious of us...
acne-safe dandruff shampoo - found!
we've had success with a client using this mineralfusion dandruff shampoo - the flaking has dissipated and his forehead remains...
i have had a ton of clients asking about acne safe hair styling products lately so decided to write a...
i often have to deal a heartbreaking blow to new clients when it comes to hair products. after checking the...
thinking outside the (hair product) box
hair products are some of the biggest offenders when it comes to clogginess, so sometimes finding products that not only...