Welcome to our
clear skin lifestyle library

Herein is the bread and butter of the acne-safe lifestyle, that will accelerate and prolong your results. Switching up your skin products is a big part of the battle, but implementing what you learn here will help you not only maintain your clear complexion, but also promote a healthier life in the long term.

There is a plethora of useful (and seemingly random but totally game changing) information found here, so take your time browsing. Use our search function to find what you're looking for - we've probably written a ditty on it. And if not, please reach out so we can!

Also, be sure to sign up for our newsletter to be the first to learn when our founder Kim's acne book launches. All the juicy details about zits will be a great read for those inclined.

rolling in the (acne-safe) dough


hey sS'ers. so you all probably know by now, that for an acne-free, clear skinned complexion, we recommend that those...

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acne-safe cheeses galore

By kate

one of our favorite things is acne-safe cheese. we love it so much that we have included lush spreads of...

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trichotillomania and excoriation disorder


just found a beautifully put-together video about a girl with trichotillomania, a disorder which causes people to pull their hair...

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question of the month: how do you manage stress?

By kate

if you've been in sS in the last couple of months you probably saw (and hopefully contributed an answer to!)...

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choose low-sugar fruits to stay clear

By kate

alongside dairy and soy, studies have shown time and again that foods with high-glycemic indexes are some of the biggest...

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drugstore survival guide

By kate

it happens: we travel and forget to pack hydrating cream or our container leaks (explodes) all over our suitcase; we...

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Not sure where to start?