Welcome to our
clear skin lifestyle library

Herein is the bread and butter of the acne-safe lifestyle, that will accelerate and prolong your results. Switching up your skin products is a big part of the battle, but implementing what you learn here will help you not only maintain your clear complexion, but also promote a healthier life in the long term.

There is a plethora of useful (and seemingly random but totally game changing) information found here, so take your time browsing. Use our search function to find what you're looking for - we've probably written a ditty on it. And if not, please reach out so we can!

Also, be sure to sign up for our newsletter to be the first to learn when our founder Kim's acne book launches. All the juicy details about zits will be a great read for those inclined.

juicing your way to better skin

By kate

a day in the life of CAN CAN recently i had the pleasure of trying out the locally-owned (very locally,...

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fighting mineral makeup meltdown

By kate

one of the hardest parts about transitioning to an acne-safe lifestyle can be kicking the liquid makeup habit. liquid foundation...

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thinking outside the (hair product) box

By kate

hair products are some of the biggest offenders when it comes to clogginess, so sometimes finding products that not only...

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acne AND candida safe soy sauce cooking alternatives


so a lot of our asian clients cook with a lot of soy sauce and when they cut down, they...

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candida safe noodles (updated 7/7/13)


as we all know, an important part of doing the candida cleanse properly is to avoid processed foods, and stick...

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Not sure where to start?